Documentation by Codefir
Thank you for purchasing phpMeteo software. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to contact me trough this form.

1. Preparing - top

Make sure you have the following:
  1. PHP 7+
  2. MySQL with native driver
  3. Rewrite Module for Apache
  4. cURL & OpenSSL
  5. OpenWeatherMap API key

2. Installation Process - top

  1. Import the phpMeteo.sql file from the "MySQL" folder into your MySQL database using the import function available in MySQL.
  2. With a text editor open the config.php file located inside the 'Script/app/includes/' folder, and replace what's between the quotes (e.g: 'YOURDBNAME') with your MySQL settings and your installation URL:
    	define('DB_USER', 'YOURDBUSER');
    	define('DB_NAME', 'YOURDBNAME');
    	define('DB_PASS', 'YOURDBPASS');
    	define('URL_PATH', '');
  3. Upload the files inside the "Script" folder via FTP on the location where you want the product to be installed at.
  4. Optional: If you can't upload your site logo trough the Admin Panel, then you may need to set the CHMOD to 775 or 777 to the /public/themes/weather/assets/images/ folder.

  5. Done. You can now use access your website.

3. Configuration - top

The default username for the Admin is "admin", and the password is "password" without quotes (the admin panel link is located in footer).

  • Dashboard
  • Shows you the software version currently running and useful links.

  • General
  • Allows you to change general site settings such as Title, tagline, logo, etc.

  • Weather
  • Allows you to configure the weather functionality.
      OpenWeatherMap API
    1. Register an account at OpenWeatherMap.
    2. Once registered, go to your API Keys and copy the key.
    3. Add the API Key in the Admin Panel > Weather section.
  • Themes
  • Allows you to change the website interface.

  • Languages
  • Allows you to set the default website language.

  • Info Pages
  • Create informative pages such as Contact, About, etc. for your website.

  • Ads
  • Allows you to add Advertisments in certain places on the website.

  • Password
  • It's the page where you can change the Admin password.

    4. FAQ - top

    1. Q: I want to modify the text on the website.
      A: You can change the text strings from the language files located in the /app/languages/ folder.

    2. Q: I want to change the website's logo or site title.
      A: You can change the Logo or the Site title from the Admin Panel > General section.

    3. Q: How can I clear the Latest Searches results?
      A: You can clear the Latest Searchess results by going to Admin Panel > Weather and setting the Latest Searches to 0 and then restore back the previous value.

    4. Q: How can I remove the Powered by label from the footer?
      A: You can remove the Powered by label by going to /public/themes/weather/views/shared/footer.php and remove the <?=sprintf($lang['powered_by'], '<a href="'.SOFTWARE_URL.'" target="_blank" data-nd>'.SOFTWARE_NAME.'</a>')?> code.

    5. Q: I have problems/questions related to the script, how can I contact you?
      A: You can contact us trough this contact form.

    5. Developers - top

    As a developer, the only mandatory requirement is a valid phpMeteo license key.


    • Make a copy of the default 'weather' theme, and rename the folder into your theme's name.
    • Edit info.php with your own details [Author, Version, etc].
    • Edit icon.png with your own theme icon.
    • Have fun designing your theme.
    • Theme's folder name should not contain any white spaces.
    • Edit the original 'weather' theme, as it contains all the strings and files required.


    • Make a copy of the original 'english.php' file into the /app/languages/ folder, rename it into your language and then start translating it.
    • If you're using special characters, save the file using UTF-8 without BOM.
    Copyright © phpMeteo. All rights reserved.
    A product by Codefir.